The story
In a world where social distancing has become the norm, Sarah is approached by someone on the street. But this passerby happens to be more than just a stranger. Why is he able to make thoughts audible, and touch one’s inner depths?
c-Ω-n-t-α-c-t is…
- The story of a moving, unexpected encounter
- A new form of street art in town: at the crossroads between immersive theatre and sensorial experience thanks to a 3D sound design.
- An app installed quickly and easily, at the service of the show
Safe and respectful !
- You will use your own smartphone and headphones.
- The number of attendees is limited to 15 per performance to respect social distancing rules with the cast and other audience members.
- You are kindly asked to respect all public health guidelines and you can use a face covering if you wish.